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An interdisciplinary debate on project perspectives

Table 7 Principles of sustainable urban design for Ezbet El-Shahatin

From: Strategic actions of urban development to define the intervention policies of slums

Principles of sustainable urban design for Ezbet El-Shahatin


Creating an overlap between the green spaces and buildings in the construction and find adequate areas of green fabric, which includes coordination of streets, gardens, parks, and pedestrian paths (In our previous study Ragheb and EL-Ashmawy 2020)

Providing appropriate housing which is characterized by distinct architectural and urban features in buildings and squares, and providing work, housing, entertainment, and services areas within the appropriate walking distance for the people

Achieving urban development controls and proposed building systems in accordance with the provisions of Law 119 of 2008. (Building heights, street widths, building uses ….)

Linking the developed area with its neighboring areas and the general structure of the city of Mansoura


Developing and upgrading the local community in all fields (socially, healthily, economically, educationally) so that it is qualified to adapt to the new environment through the implementation of an integrated development program that begins during the period of population transfer to enable implementing the detailed plan for the area and continues after returning to permanent residence

Setting realistic timetables and resources for development plans in addition to clarifying the roles and responsibilities of each of the implementing and supervising authorities in order to avoid obstacles and functional overlaps

Implementing social care projects for the population, providing means of technical education, eradicating illiteracy, computer workshops, health awareness campaigns and educational trips for young people

Communicating with the residents of the area to get acquainted closely with their needs, informing them of the various plans and activities and solving their problems

Providing the main services such as natural gas, potable water, a sewage system, electricity, and a system for collecting garbage from homes

Providing some services such as a gym, a number of facilities such as a hospital, a nursery, a social center, and a sufficient number of schools

Continuous monitoring of the proposed plans for implementation, as well as continuous evaluation of the implemented plans so that the situation can be modified in proportion to the changes taking place


Paying attention to the economy. Therefore, sustainable societies are reasonably economic societies that ensure that services are provided to all residents at the same level and costs to ensure justice

Identifying sites and investment projects that contribute to increasing economic activity to create different job opportunities to reduce poverty and unemployment

Re-housing residents to the area next to their work and schools after the development process is completed in order to maintain the network of social relations and to provide appropriate environmental, health and professional conditions so that the middle-class population shifts from the state of consumption only to the state of consumption and production

The means of transportation does not constitute a burden on the residents because the area is close to the main roads in the heart of Mansoura