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An interdisciplinary debate on project perspectives

Table 1 Factors of the built environment, Individual indicators, dimensional Indicators and Synthetic Index of the latent vitality of the urban environment

From: A method for assessing the vitality potential of urban areas. The case study of the Metropolitan City of Cagliari, Italy

Dimension of vitality

Built environment factor



Urban density

The density of built-up areas

Ground Surface Index (GSI)

GSI = Apbi /Aci

Apbi = Area of the building projection In the i-th cell;

Aci = Area of the i-th cell


Concentration of Population

Population Density (DPOP),

\(DPOP = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = 1}^{n} \left[ {\left( {\frac{{Nab_{j} }}{{Act_{i} }}} \right)*Aint_{i} } \right]}}{{Ac_{i} }}\)

Nabj = Number of residents in the j-th census tract;

Actj = Area of the j-th census tract;

Ainti = Area of the intersection of the j-th census tract and the i-th cell;

Aci = Area of the i-th cell


Index of Urban Density (I_UD)

I_UD = (GSI * w1) + (DPOP * w2)

W1 = 0.5

W2 = 0.5


Closeness centrality

Average Normalized angular integration in the 400 m radius (NAIN)


NAIN = log (AI I + 2)

\(AI = \frac{1}{n}\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^{n} d\theta \left( {\pi X, i} \right)\)

n = number of segments

dθ = angle between any two segments on the shortest path on segment x (van Nes and Yamu 2021)


Betweenness centrality

Average Normalized angular Choice in the 400 m radius (NACH)


NACH = log (ACH I + 2)

\(ACH = \frac{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^{n} \mathop \sum \nolimits_{j = 1}^{n} \sigma \left( {i,x,j} \right)}}{{\left( {n - 1} \right)\left( {n - 2} \right)}}\)

n = number of segments

σ (i,x,j) = 1 if the shortest path from i to j comprises segment x and 0 otherwise (Al-Sayed et al. 2014)


Transit nodes spacing

Density of transit nodes (TRN_D),

TRN_D = Ntni

Ntni = Number of transit nodes in the i-th cell


Road intersection spacing

Road Intersection Density (RDI)

RDI = Nrii

Nrii = Number of road intersections in the i-th cell


Index of Accessibility (I_ACC)

I_ACC = (NAIN * w1) + (NACH * w2) + (RDI * w3) + (TRN_D * w4)

w1 = 0.10

w2 = 0.10

w3 = 0.28

w4 = 0.52

Availability of amenities

Intensity/quantity of uses

Density of points of interest (D_POI)

D_POI = Npoii = Number of points of interest in the i-th cell


Diversity of uses

Simpson’s Diversity index (DIV)

\(DIV = 1/\mathop \sum \nolimits_{i = 1}^{n} \left( {p_{ij} } \right)^{2}\)

pji = Proportion (n/N) of POIs of the i-th category (n) divided by the total number of Points of interest in the j-th cell(N)


Index of Availability of amenities (I_LU)

I_LU = (D_POI * w1) + (DIV * w2)

w1 = 0.25

w2 = 0.75

Environmental quality

Location and size of natural and semi-natural areas

Distance from Urban Green Areas (UGA_D)

UGA_D = Dij

Dij = Euclidean Distance of the i-th cell from the center of the nearest cell comprised in the j-th target (natural and semi-natural) area


Location of industrial facilities and large transport infrastructures

Distance from threat sources (THR_D)

THR_D = Dij

Dij = Euclidean Distance of the i-th cell from the center of the nearest cell comprised in the j-th target (threat source) area


Index of Environmental Quality (I_EQ)

I_LU = (UGA_D * w1) + (THR_D * w2)

w1 = 0.50

w2 = 0.50


Index of Latent Vitality (I_VIBE)

I_VIBE = (I_ACC * w1) + (I_UD * w2) + (I_LU * w3) + (I_EQ * w4)

w1 = 0.22

w2 = 0.22

w3 = 0.50

w4 = 0.06