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Table 2 Nomadic culture evolution

From: Reconceptualising nomadic architecture: from the body to the space creation






Hunter-gatherer (Groeneveld 2016)

1.8 million to 70,000 years ago

Lower to Upper Paleolithic

Homo Erectus

Nomadic or semi-nomadic, temporary settlements, mobile communities, egalitarian, settled hunter-gatherers

Nomadic pastoralism (Schoof and Luick 2018)

During the end of the hunting-gatherer period around (12.000–10.000 years ago)

The end of the Mesolithic to Neolithic Revolution

Neo hunter-gatherers and Early farming society

Mobility, livestock, trading, early processing and management, mental map

Dom (Garipzanov 2018)

3rd—ninth century

Late antiquity to Early Middle Ages

The Domba, Indian Subcontinent (from Western Asia, North Africa, Caucasus, Central Asia, Eastern Anatolia Region)

Oral tradition, Rich in culture and history like: music, Poetry, Dance, and Complex architectural types

Neo Nomadic Society (Mundy 1973)

10th–thirteenth century

Middle Ages

Romani/ Gypsies

Endonym, diaspora, contemporary culture

Contemporary Nomad (Hoare 2014; Nichols 2004)

The 1950s to 1990s

Around Millennium

Third culture kids and millennials

Multi-culture, intellectual, international, global, digital, entrepreneurship