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An interdisciplinary debate on project perspectives

Table 1 Skycourts benefits from multiple perspectives

From: Natural ventilation as a passive cooling strategy for multi-story buildings: analytic vertical skycourt formations

Benefits of skycourts


Environmental perspective

Allows light and air to infiltrate the interior spaces

Pomeroy (2013)

Contributes to acoustic insulation

Kim et al. (2014)

Acts as a thermal barrier that reduces the effect of solar radiation and glare

Jahnkassim and Ip (1988)

Provides a comfortable indoor environment in terms of air temperature, relative humidity, and air velocity, and increases occupant satisfaction

Ismail et al. (2011)

Reduces heat gain in summer and reduces surface heat loss in winter

Castleton et al. (2010)

Social perspective

Promotes different levels of social interaction

Pomeroy (2013)

Strengthening communication with the city

Yeang (1999)

Enhances daylight benefits the occupants’ health

Altomonte and Daylight and the Occupant, in: Vis. (2009)

Promotes helpful psychological changes, e.g., reducing stress and increasing pain tolerance

Burghardt et al. (2009)

Enhances residents’ satisfaction with their neighborhood and increases their sense of well-being

Kaplan (2001)

Economic perspective

Provides a space for communication between workers

Pomeroy (2007)

Saves energy by reducing heating and cooling loads

Clements-Croome and Baizhan (2000)

Increases productivity by improving worker happiness and health

Miller et al. (2009)